Archive for March, 2018

Cedar’s Sammich rules

via Sandwich Rules

I have almost always loved Cedar Sanderson’s blog posts, they’re insightful, usually family friendly, and always worth the few moments to read them.

Today’s post about Sandwich Rules had me confused, but the path, though indirect, made sense.

I am at that point as a starting Author where nothing I have written is available under my own name for reading.  Video Game scripts, contracted blog articles and professional writings are all out there and published, but not in my name that I can claim.  So I am staring at my work in progress folders, and wonder what to start with. I have everything from Children’s books, through young adult and comic books to hard Sci-fi and horror.

Then this article comes along, and Cedar hit it on the nose.  I don’t have to figure out my voice and my market for one niche, I can work what I need so that the words fit.  I am not trying to please a single gatekeeper, I am the gatekeeper.  I just need to make what I produce as good as possible, the best it can be, and true to my voice, then get on with the next project.

Onward and upward.


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